Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pre-Season 4 Finale: Some Things to Consider


Seems we are about to reach the series finale of Lost season 4. Crept up on me a bit as I haven't been as prolific posting this season. Hopefully I'll have time to throw a few ideas out there between seasons (we have a long break after all). But anyway for now, before the finale is on I want to consider some of the things we may want to look out for. I am totally un-spoilered by the way, so if you haven't been able to avoid the clangers that have been dropped around other sites please try not to post anything about them in comments, no matter how wrong I may be!

  • Things all come back to the Orchid. We saw the orientation before the season start (I even sampled it and included it in a song). What we saw appeared to be a rabbit transported in time. Later in the episode we found the remains of a polar bear in the middle of a Tunisian desert, possibly part of a Dharma experiment, but then we weren't aware of them practicing projects outside of the island so was this a subject for the Orchid? Does it transport in time and space? Finally we have Ben turning up also in the desert, not aware of the year and perhaps not even sure of the location he would end up. So the big question is what will happen when the island is moved? For all intents and purposes it seems it *will* be moved, from what we've seen in the flash forwards. So will it be moved in space, time or both?
  • We've seen a lot of flash forwards now. The question here is will these intersect right now with two seasons more to come? It would fit in with the island moving in time as then time wouldn't have passed so much for those left behind when they inevitably end up back on the island. However, I can't see them dropping flash forwards just yet and/or splitting the team up drastically again.
  • Finally the Others are back in the game. Ben has been captured, but I would assume the others are planning to ambush them. Then again if Richard is going to turn on Ben this would be a good time. Of course their main goal is to protect the island so perhaps just keeping Kerny and co occupied will be their main agenda.
  • Since "The Constant" episode I have been thinking regularly about this factor. Is the reason Ben can't kill Widmore and vice versa (so it seems) because they are each others constants? I suspected for a while that room 23 was about creating constants for people by causing an emotional reaction and association to various everyday objects that link them to that room on the island. Are there other constants at work here?
  • Will we find out who is in the coffin in the final episode? My suspicion is Michael. The island hasn't let him die for a while, perhaps it finally will. Which means if something happens on the freighter he will likely survive. But will Jin be so lucky?
  • The four specialists that were brought to the island by Widmore seem to be lacking the required skills to apprehend Ben. Except for their ability to neutralise the gas and only Daniel was required for that really. So what is their significance and will it come in to play at this stage? I can see how their skills would be useful on the island but how does that fit in with Widmore's agenda? Also have they been under Widmore's employment for the long term or only recently?
  • One thing that seems a little out of place for me is that whole "Other woman" thing. Ben seems pretty focused on saving the island and avenging his "daughter". Plus Jack seems to be drifting more towards Kate then Juliet, so how does that all fit in? Ben was "exactly where he wanted to be", yet it would seem he would be much safer at this "Temple" location. So what was his motivation?
  • We still don't really have a good answer in my mind for why there is a fake wreckage. Seems a lot of effort to go to, for something that didn't seem to need covering up. Instead it seemed to be a catalyst for setting a number of things into motion. So was that it's intention and who really was it that created the "freckage"?

There are probably a lot of other questions that could be answered, but this being lost we know we will probably end up with just as many new questions. Whatever the case, it is going to be an interesting finale and likely leave us with a lot to talk about over the summer....and beyond.


maven said...

Hey, Fenris...glad to see you made it back just before the finale here! You touched on all the points that are nagging at all of us!

I, too, believe the Orchid is a major part of the mythology of the island. It's going to be vital in protecting the island from the outside forces (now lead by Widmore/Keamy. And however they "move" it (either by space and/or time), will set a whole new chain of problems in motions (one of which is getting Aaron back to the island to be the next Chosen One).

As for the Freighter Four: We all assume they work for Widmore, but they have such a different agenda then the Keamy crew. Maybe they are there to "run" the island once Keamy's crew does their thing. But, we all know that Ben has a plan...and I so look forward to seeing it worked out!

Fenris said...

Thanks for the comments.

I didn't mention in the post, but I had a theory for a while that Penny would somehow end up on the island and so both Ben and Widmore would essentially end up looking for the same thing (Along with Jack and the rest of the six).

Maven - Certainly to quote dream Jin "Everything is going to change". The Freighter Four seem tied to the island in their own ways. Daniel very much to the Orchid and it's time traveling possibilities. Wonder if it will come into play tonight.

Sonny - Ange is the book genius, but I'm sure she'll get around to that book. She is following the list from TLC and will be back on it during the break for sure.

Capcom said...

Great bullets!

I kind of hope that Seasons 5/6 will be fixed in the present with lots of flashbacks about the island events. It might be easier to get it all situated time-wise in my head, if we can plant our brians in the present, and think back. Maybe.

I hope that we find out in S5 who planted the dang freckage as well. No reason to keep this from us as far as I can see. Who cares who did it, all that matters is that it was done very well, the lie worked, and now everyone has to work around those two things to save the island. I think that if we knew, we still wouldn't know who to trust in the long run.