- I have said before that I suspected the fence was to stop Smokey. But what that suggests is that Dharma knew about Smokey and created the defense system to stop him getting close. The lack of surveillance makes sense if the only threat at the time was Smokey and they were certain there would be no breach. But here is an interesting question: Did Dharma create both the sonic wall *and* Smokey (as the Cerberus defense unit) and if so why create something so dangerous that they need a defense against it?
- It could be that Cerberus went a bit nuts and so they erected the defense area later, which also means that it went nuts before the Others took over as they don't seem so aware of what it is.
- It could be that the DI themselves became the others due to this virus that Danielle was talking about (increasing speculation that she is Dharma) and that Cerberus is partially organic and was affected by the same virus. But perhaps Cerberus turned first and they erected the sonic barrier before they all went ga ga themselves. The other possibility is that it was on the island before the DI (meaning it even had "vents" if it is indeed Cerberus).
- According to those puzzle things, which I assume are cannon, the CV's on the blast door map are Cerberus Vents. Now the other notations about Cerberus do seem to suggest it is our smoke monster, or at least that is what Dharma called it (I had always thought Dharma had created it, especially as they know the locations of the vents). It seems to fit name-wise. Multi-headed guard dog? I think we may be seeing the multi-headed aspect recently where we've been talking about Smokey’s different roles. Cerberus had three heads I believe (although sometimes depicted with more).
So perhaps we have:
1 - Watching/processes (taxi ticker noise etc),
2 - interacting (in shape shifted form),
3 - Eliminating threads (Roaring noise and obviously killing things). - Cerberus' brother was - Hydra. He also had one further brother Chimera. Three camps of "Other"?
- As for the vents, well I'm assuming they are entrance/exit points for whatever Cerberus is. Perhaps an underground facility that is automated (maybe it's where the food drops come from too? -----Oooh maybe Smokey was the plane that dropped the food?). It could be that Locke was almost sucked down into one when Cerberus grabbed him.
- I think the smoke monster has a base that is rooted to the ground, but it can raise itself up from it like a snake. I don't think it could maneuver this well enough to go over the fence.
- "After the War, Hanso became the leading purveyor of high-technology armaments for NATO." - That was from the old THF website. We know for a fact Hanso knew about the island before the DI was there, due to Magnus Hanso. He almost certainly had checked it out and so with its special properties it makes sense he used to as a site to develop his weapons. So what if Smokey was one of those. A legacy from those days. Perhaps a lot of things were due to a legacy from those days. Or alternatively he continued the weapons work alongside the DI research.
- It appears that Smokey has "Flashed" Julliet, Eko and perhaps Locke. What do they all have in common? Well it seems they are all on that list that the others are always going on about (Jacobs List). Don't forget Eko was meant to be capture from the Tailies camp but he fought off his captors. So given that Smokey seems to act aggresively to those on the list, making some kind of judgement this seems to add further support to my suspicion that Smokey/Cerberus is Dharma Created. As for why Dharma would want to kill people on the list, I'd have to point you back in the direction of the Valenzetti Equation and Mittlewerks plan to purge the whole of humanity of people on his list. Could it be the smaller percentage rebelled and decided they were the chosen ones of a new world?
Monday, April 09, 2007
s3e15: Left Behind - The Smoke Monster
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7:25:00 am
Labels: Black Smoke, Cerberus, Smokey
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